Jan 30, 2010

WWII EC: Overview of WWII

NOTE: The following Extra Credits are for both US and World History classes. They are separated into topic areas, so read the directions to know what to do for each.

Overview of WWII

WWII Crash Course OverviewWatch the following "Crash Course" videos that give an overview of WWII and for extra credit write a minimum 1 page summary of what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class.
Part 1
Part 2 - The Homefront 

Extra Credit: Overview of WWII - Watch the following movies that give an overview of WWII and write a minimum 1 page summary of what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class.

The First World War as Fuel for the Second War video

How WWII Ended
WWII Before Pearl Harbor, Part 1
WWII Before Pearl Harbor, Part 2

Histeria WWII cartoons 

Extra Credit: The First World War and the Rise of Fascism - Old empires crumbled during World War I to be replaced by right-wing dictatorships in Italy, Spain, and Germany. Click on the following link and scroll to movie #47 and watch the movie related to the topic above. Write a 1 page summary above what you learned, relating it to what we discussed in class.

Extra Credit: The Second World War - World War II was a war of new tactics and strategies. Civilian populations became targets as the Nazi holocaust exterminated millions of people. Click on the following link and scroll to movie #48 and watch the movie related to the topic above. Write a 1 page summary above what you learned, relating it to what we discussed in class.

Extra Credit: Key Facts, Germany 1918-1945 - Watch the following movie about Germany between 1918 and 1945; write a 1/2 summary about what you learned, relating it to what we have discussed in class.

Extra Credit: WWII Interactive Site - Use the following interactive sites to learn more about WWII. For extra credit credit, write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class. 

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