Jan 30, 2010

WWII EC: Diversity in the US Armed Services - Latinos/Chicanos

Diversity in the US Armed Services - Latinos/Chicanos (Mexican-Americans)

Extra Credit: Mexican-American/Latino Participation in WWII- Watch the following videos and click on the links below to read more about Latino and Chicano Americans in the Armed Services during WWII. From the link, scroll down to about the middle of the page to see section on their participation in WWII. For extra credit, write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class. http://www.houstonculture.org/hispanic/memorial.html

Mexican American Contributions in World War II
Mexican American War Stories from World War II 
Mexican American Women in the Home Front in World War II 

Extra Credit: The Story of Felix Longoria - Sixty years ago in Three Rivers, Texas, the only funeral home in town refused to hold a wake for Felix Longoria, a decorated Mexican American soldier killed in battle during World War II. Longoria’s widow was told, simply, “The whites wouldn’t like it.” Those words became front-page news across the country, sparking outrage and setting off a series of events that would come to be known as the Longoria Affair. The incident fueled the rise of a national civil rights movement led by Mexican American veterans, and bitterly divided Three Rivers for generations to come.  Past and present collide as Mexican Americans and Anglo Americans engage in a bitter struggle over the meaning of civil rights and the history of segregation. Watch the following clips and click on the links below to read more about the incident online. Write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating in to what was discussed in class. http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/longoria.htm

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