Jan 30, 2010

WWII EC: The League of Nations

NOTE: The following Extra Credits are for both US and World History classes. They are separated into topic areas, so read the directions to know what to do for each.

The League of Nations 

Extra Credit - Watch the following movies about the role of the League of Nations and its failures to prevent a second world war. Write 1 pg summarizing what you learned about the topic from the following movies below.

An overview of the League of Nations in the era after WWI:

The League of Nations in the 1920s:
The League of Nations Success and Failures:
The League of Nations in the 1930s - Japan takes Manchuria:
The League of Nations in the 1930s - Disarmament, Italy and Ethiopia:
The League of Nations in the 1930s - Ethiopian Crisis:
The League of Nations in the 1930s - Spain, Sudetenland, Munich, Poland:
The League of Nations - "Teacher Talks":
The Spanish Civil War and Guernica

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