Jan 30, 2010

WWII EC: Nazism/Nazi Ideology - The Nazi Youth

NOTE: The following Extra Credits are for both US and World History classes. They are separated into topic areas, so read the directions to know what to do for each.

Nazism/Nazi Ideology: Hitler and the German Youth 

Extra Credit:  Hitler Youth - Watch the following clip showing German children being indoctrinated through the "Hitler Youth". Consider the ways in which the Hitler Youth spread the Nazi Party doctrine and beliefs to the young, and why would they want to focus on the male and female youth of Germany to support the Nazis? Write a 1 page summary about what you have learned, relating it to what we have discussed in class.

Hitler's Children, Part 1 

Part 2

Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 

Extra Credit: Swing Kids - Watch this trailer and edited clip from the movie Swing Kids, which tells the story of a close-knit group of young kids in Nazi Germany who listen to banned swing music from the US. In Nazi occupied Germany, the youth of the nation were pressed into joining a pro-Nazi Youth League called the "Hiterjugend", or Hitler Youth. A group of rebel teenagers, however, chose to defy Nazi directives and grew their hair long and listened to American music while calling themselves the "Swing Kids." This is the story of one group of Swing Kids and how Nazi rule and persuasion tore them apart and set them against each other. In World War II Germany, Swing music becomes the underground movement of young people. Two engineering students attempt to be Swing Kids by night and Hitler Youth by day. 
Soon dancing and fun leads to more difficult choices as the Nazi's begin tightening the grip on Germany. Each member of the group is forced to face some tough choices about right, wrong, and survival. 
The impact of this decision is felt acutely by their friends and families. Watch the following clips then click the link below to watch the entire movie online. For extra credit, write a 1 page summary about how what you have seen relates to the Nazi Hitler Youth program during WWII.

Full length linkhttp://historylovesyou.blogspot.com/2010/01/blog-post.html

Movie Trailer:

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