Apr 2, 2019

Cold War Extra Credit

NOTE: The following Extra Credits are for both US History and World History classes.
Extra Credit: Cold War Overview - Watch each of the following "Mr. Hughes" videos which give a broad overview of the major themes/vocabulary of the Cold War. For extra credit, write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Extra CreditThe World According To Marx- Watch the clips below which give a brief overview of the Marxist belief and the theory of Communism according to Karl Marx, the father of Communism.Write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned about the US during this time.

Extra Credit - The US Era of McCarthyism and the 2nd Red Scare - Watch the clips below that show the effects of the fear of communism's spread to the US. Write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned about the US during this time.

The McCarthy-Army Hearings:
Edward R. Morrow vs. Joseph McCarthy - "Good Night and Good Luck..."

Extra Credit: Herb Block and the McCarty Era Political Cartoons - Click on the link to learn more about the life and political cartoons of Herb Block. Block is actually the one who coined the phrase "McCarthism" and famously illustrated against the era of McCartyism. http://www.herbblockfoundation.org/herb-block/video

Extra Credit - Life and Times in the 1950s US  - Watch the following clip that discusses issues impacting US life in the 1950s. Write a minimum 1/2 page summary about what you learned from the movie.


Extra Credit - US Anti-Communist Propaganda: Watch the following movie clips that show the ways in which the US used propaganda to portray communism and the Soviets versus the US and capitalism during the era of the Cold War. Write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what we discussed in class.

Extra Credit - The Effects of Blacklisting in Hollywood: Watch the following clips from the movie "Guilty By Suspicion" and write a minimum 1/2 page summary about what you learned, and relate it to what was discussed in class.


Extra Credit - Soviet Anti-Capitalism/Anti-US Propaganda: Watch the following movie clips that show the ways in which the Soviet Union used propaganda to portray the benefits of communism to the Soviets and the problems of the US and capitalism during the era of the Cold War. Write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what we discussed in class.

Extra Credit - Cold War Society and Preparation for Nuclear Defense: Watch the following movie clips that show the ways in which the US's Civil Defense Administration prepared Americans in the case of the outbreak of a nuclear attack in the 1940s-1960s. Write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what we discussed in class.

Extra Credit - The End of the Cold War - Collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: Watch the following movie clips that show the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what we discussed in class.



Extra Credit - Fidel Castro and US-Cuba Relations: Read the following articles and write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what we discussed in class. The first article is about the history of Fidel Castro and Cuba.  http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/98822/Fidel-Castro
The second article discusses recent changes to the US embargo on Cuba under President Barack Obama. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/15/barack-obama-us-embargo-cuba The third article "End of an era: No top post for Fidel Castro " discusses Castro's role today in Cuba - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42663130/ns/world_news-americas/

Extra Credit - History of the Bay of Pigs Invasion and It's 50 Year Anniversary: Read the following articles and watch the clips about the US' failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba. After, write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what we discussed in class.History of the invasion - http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/The-Bay-of-Pigs.aspx#
50 Year Anniversary Still Inspires Cuabns - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42597066
Memories from the other side: The Cuban Exile Brigade 2506 Rememeber the Invasion -http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42626961
Bay of Pigs overview

Release of prisoner, 1989
Bay of Pigs 50 year celebration

Extra Credit - Cold War Conflicts: Watch the following movie clips that relate to Cold War conflicts. Watch the clips and write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what we discussed in class.
The Truman Doctrine 
The Marshall Plan
The Division of Germany and Berlin
The Berlin Airlift 
China Turns Communist, 1949
The Korean War
The Bay of Pigs Incident 
The Cuban Missile Crisis - 
The Cuban missile crisis between the United States and the Soviet Union brought the world to the brink of nuclear war in October 1962.

The Vietnam War
The Berlin Wall

Extra Credit: Cold War IT’S HISTORY videos - Watch any of the following "It's History" videos about the Cold War era and write down what you learned about the topic. For extra credit, write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class. 

Extra Credit: Websites of Interest - Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Proliferation - For extra credit, click on the sites below and write a minimum 1 page summary total about what you learned about each of the topics below.
Add Nuclear today CNN resource 
North Korea link 

Nuclear Proliferation Today - To view the world Proliferation Status and Warheads (2007) map (a list of countries Possessing Ballistic Missiles, and how many) go to The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace site below. Also read the article on the Guardian site below that.

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