Extra Credit: Manifest Destiny - Watch the following "Mr Hughes" video about the ideology of Manifest Destiny and the US spread west. Write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class.
Extra Credit: Expansion West - At the dawn of the nineteenth century, the size of the United States doubles with the Louisiana Purchase. The Appalachians are no longer the barrier to American migration west; the Mississippi River becomes the country's central artery; and Jefferson's vision of an Empire of Liberty begins to take shape. American historian Stephen Ambrose joins Professors Maier and Miller in examining the consequences of the Louisiana Purchase -- for the North, the South, and the history of the country. For extra credit, follow the link below to the website and watch the streaming movie, "Expansion West". If it does not take you directly to the movie, scroll down to #6 and click the "VOD" button on the right. Watch the movie and write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class.
Extra Credit: Taming the American West - Western settlers’ assumptions of an endless, bountiful frontier were tested when they moved to the Great Plains and attempted to cultivate the unfamiliar, arid landscape. This experience led to the rise of populist politics, which championed farmers’ and industrial workers’ critique of political and economic powers. As settlers migrated West and encountered landscapes of spectacular beauty, but faced daunting challenges in farming the arid land. Bitter conflicts also arose between the US and Native Americans and Mexicans over land ownership because the Native Americans and Mexicans had occupied the land for centuries. After years of hardship, citizens became disgruntled with Republican policies and many turned to the Populist Party, whose ideas anticipated the development of the twentieth-century state.If it does not take you directly to the movie, scroll down to #13 and click the "VOD" button on the right. Watch the movie and write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class.
Learn more -
from Into the West
from Into the West
Short bio-doc on boarding schools experiences
Extra Credit: Unseen Tears The Native American Boarding (Residential) School Experience in Western New York (Full Length Documentary) - Native American families in Western New York and Ontario continue to feel the impact of the Thomas Indian School and the Mohawk Institute. Survivors speak of traumatic separation from their families, abuse, and a systematic assault on their language and culture. Western New York Native American communities are presently attempting to heal the wounds and break the cycle inter-generational trauma resulting from the boarding (residential) school experience. Unseen Tears documents the stories of boarding school survivors, their families, and social service providers. For extra credit, write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class.
Part 1 -
Part 3 -
Extra Credit: We Shall Remain: The Cherokee Trail of Tears - This PBS five-part television series project shows how Native peoples valiantly resisted expulsion from their lands and fought the extinction of their culture -- from the Wampanoags of New England in the 1600s who used their alliance with the English to weaken rival tribes, to the bold new leaders of the 1970s who harnessed the momentum of the civil rights movement to forge a pan-Indian identity. We Shall Remain represents an unprecedented collaboration between Native and non-Native filmmakers and involves Native advisors and scholars at all levels of the project. For extra credit, watch the following episode about the Cherokee Trail of Tears and write a minimum 1 page summary about each, relating it to what was discussed in class. Additionally, you may watch any or all of the first four episodes for extra credit by clicking on the link below and scrolling to "episodes" to choose which of the episodes you would like to watch.
Part 1: Wheel To the Stars -
Part 2: Manifest Destiny -
Part 3: Dreams and Schemes -
Part 4: Hell on Wheels -
Part 5: Casualties of War (Carlisle Boarding School @ 50:36) -
Part 6: Ghost Dance -
Episode Overview -
Extra Credit: The Wounded Knee Massacre - Watch the following videos and for extra credit, write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating to what was discussed in class.
Extra Credit: The Wounded Knee Massacre - Watch the following videos and for extra credit, write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating to what was discussed in class.
Extra Credit: Populism - Watch the following video which explains the rise of the Populist party near the end of the 19th century. Write a minimum 1 page summary about what you learned, relating it to what was discussed in class.
Extra Credit: How Water Made L.A. and Hollywood - Watch the following story of the role that the aqueduct system played in the making of Hollywood and Los Angeles. For extra credit, watch the video below and write a minimum 1 page summary of what you learned.
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